Travel Inspiration – Visiting 15 cities in one year

The travel virus has definitely bitten me again in 2016! I managed to explore 15 cities, collected a lot of memories and flew business for the first time!


I truly hope my year overview can inspire you to travel more as well! Comment if you have any questions or send me a message on Instagram or Facebook 😉

Beirut – Lebanon


This year started with the majestic views from Harissa, wineries, sunset above the Mediterranean sea, insane driving (not as insane as in India but it gets close). Thanks a lot Celine and Sandra for showing me around!
Read more: How to travel like a local in Beirut

Bangkok – Thailand


Actually I did not plan to go to Bangkok. Even though the food is amazing and it’s one of the upcoming capitals in Asia with very affordable luxurious hotels. But I ended up in Bangkok because I found an insane cheap business class deal from Cairo to Bangkok with Etihad. Champagne, a full flat bed and outstanding service who would say no to that?
I figured out a positioning flight from Dubai to Cairo later and booked a ticket to Siem Reap to explored Cambodia with a friend. And on the way back I spent one day in the capital of smiles.


Siem Reap – Cambodia


Well I guess this one does not need an explanation. Cambodia. Angkor Wat and all the other temples will blow your mind. What surprised me was the level of comfort everywhere, in touristic places the washrooms were much cleaner than in Europe. Fancy restaurants and hotels everywhere. The visa on arrival was super smooth. It’s not a rough back pack destination anymore.

Battambang – Cambodia


Small shacks on the road selling BBQ’ed rats, snakes, tarantulas and scorpions. Local markets where fish is being dried. A deserted railroad with a bamboo “train”. In Battambang you can see a whole other side of Cambodia.

Phnom Penh – Cambodia

A big surprise, this city or at least parts of it were so modern, I totally did not expect that. Fastfood chains, Casino, apartments with rooftop pools, not the first things that comes to mind when you say Cambodia. Also one of the more shocking experiences, meeting a survivor of the killing fields in a torture camp that now has been transformed into a museum.

Manila – Philippines


This whole trip started very random as well, I saw a dirt cheap flight combo for Manila + Macau, I added some domestic flights and a few ferry boats and ended up having an epic 9 days in 4 cities.
Thanks to all my Filipino friends, a trip to the country of thousand islands is never boring. Thanks a lot Maggie for showing me some cool stuff on my 6 hour layover!
Read more: Making the most out of your 6 hour layover in Manila.

Cebu – Philippines


One of the best experiences this year was definitely swimming with whale sharks in Oslob. I learned you can have goosebumps under water. While you are there also check out the Kawasan waterfalls!
Read more: Surrounded by whale sharks in Oslob, the best 20 USD spent ever.

Bohol – Philippines


It was a wild ferry trip away from Cebu but it was worth it. Chocolate hills, ziplines, tarsiers, a river cruise, quad biking, it is more fun in the Philippines!
Read more: Chocolate hills, ziplines and a slice of paradise, this is bohol.

Hong Kong


I only had a flight to Macau but then I figured out there are super high speed ferry boats to Hong Kong. Seriously these boats are nuts, they are massive but it feels like they are flying over the water.
The funny thing was that I only realized it was national day in Hong Kong once I checked into my hotel. I was wondering all the time why this basic guestroom was so expensive.
It was also the smallest room, except for the capsule hotel in Tokyo, I ever stayed in. But who cares if you can see one of the best firework displays in the world? 🙂



If I see a deal, I can’t say no. So I flew to Singapore for a 3 day weekend with Oman Air. Check out Gardens by the bay, it’s a masterpiece! And try some local food in a hawker (that’s how they call food courts). I was lucky to meet up with an instagram follower! She suggested me some dishes and we enjoyed a rooftop party at 1-Altitude. Meeting up with locals on a trip is worth much more than visiting in an extra attraction!
On my flight back to Dubai it turned out I was on the same schedule as the cabin crew who flew me here so I ended up exchanging travel stories at the back of the plane 😀

Kuwait City – Kuwait


Exploring all the places close to Dubai is always on my list, you have to take advantage and discover places you would otherwise never visit.
Even though everyone will tell you “There is nothing to do in Kuwait” I had a fun weekend there. I met up with the couch surfing community and a fellow blogger The Corporate Nomads
Oh yeah visa on arrival is a bit funny, you have to take a copy of your passport on the spot and buy a visa stamp in a vending machine that cannot return change.

Barcelona – Spain


Tapas, I ate so much tapas, probably I only ate tapas and a saw a lot of art from Gaudi.

London – UK


A training in London, I don’t say no to that. Even if I need to be somewhere for work I will always try to slip in a few hours of sight seeing

Antwerp – Belgium


Maybe not the most known city in Belgium but worth a visit when you are there.

Ghent – Belgium


Everyone knows Bruges but if you have time then checkout Ghent, it’s like the bigger version of Bruges with less tourists.

2017 Here I come!

I am very happy about yet another amazing travel year. A big thank you to all the people who hosted me, showed me around, smiled at me on the way!

Happy and healthy 2017 with loads of cool adventures, maybe I will meet you somewhere on this planet next year?

Ginger Around The World

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