These Tokyo Metro Tunes Will Make You Smile

Have you been to Japan? Then the Tokyo Metro departure melodies below will bring back loads of memories! These tunes are out of this world, it’s like you are playing super Mario and can proceed to the next level! What’s not to love about it? 😀

This is just one of the many sounds that remind me of Japan. In this case the very peaceful and organized morning rush of all the commuters trying to get to work. And also as a traveler the subway system is vital to get around in Tokyo. Although the metro map can look a bit overwhelming at first, it’s actually super simple as all the stations have an english translation as well. On top of that the metro is connected with JR Rail stations. So you can easily ride one of those super fast bullet trains (Shinkansen). Don’t forget to get a delicious bento box before you hop on 😉

I will have to do some more posts about Japan because hearing these tunes just make me smile 😀 Which memories did this bring back for you?


  1. Awesome blog post again, the metro melodies are very cute indeed if the tourists can hear it they will feel the Japan atmosphere. Can’t wait to travel Tokyo soon and experience all of this things.

  2. Good observation and agree with Japan’s attractiveness.

  3. oh wow soo cool! I instantly became all smiles and happy ! Thank you for sharing. This is by far the most happiest message I read online! FOREVER!

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