Taste Bud Adventures In Dubai – North Korean Pyongyang Okryu Gwan

I struggled with squirming Octopus in a fish market in South Korea, the next logical step is to try a North! Korean restaurant in Dubai?

High standard for hygiene and high quality of services provided by the beautiful Pyongyang girls … serve the best Korean dishes, to make you feel proud.

It’s on their leaflet, for real!

Best service and luxury foods are a waiting for your complete satisfaction!

Sounds promising, I am totally ready for this!

The facade looks … interesting, this could be a cool shot for Instagram …

“No Picture! No Picture! No Picture!”

The “beautiful Pyongyang girls” are clearly not keen to make an appearance on my blog and hide. No complaints about the service by the way, the North Korean staff is very friendly and helpful.

Once we make our way to plastic door strips, we get assigned a table and start exploring the menu. Let’s take a picture of the Korean BBQ page for my blog …

“No Picture! No Picture! No Picture!”

At this point the staff points out I can take pictures in front on the giant wallpapers and the corner full of high quality North Korean products.

In the mean time we haven’t been able to decide what to pick from the extensive menu. Sharing Korean BBQ with a kimchi platter and octopus on the side seems like a smart move.

We get assigned a new table with a built in BBQ. Not much later the smell of marinated grilled meat fills the room. Best part is that one of the beautiful Pyongyang girls will do the BBQ for you. So you can just sit back and relax and soak up the unique atmosphere.


Everything we had tasted delicious: beef, BBQ ribs, kimchi platter, kimchi soup; noodles and grilled octopus.

New to Korean BBQ? You can use the salad to make a little green wrap with meat, kimchi and sauce.

My verdict about Pyongyang Okryu Gwan? Check it out after Ramadan when they do Karaoke performances! The food is really good and lives up to promising leaflet. On top of that it’s just a unique experience. It feels like you visit North Korea for a evening. And that’s what I am looking for an experience reminds me of traveling.

No nicer way to summarize it all in their own words:

Seeing is Believing will explain itself when you come and see only to feel that you are lucky to have the restaurant nearby and to get know it now – which is not too late.

Location: Pyongyang Okryu Gwan Restaurant  close to Deira Clocktower.

Do you know other good (authentic) Korean restaurants in Dubai? Leave it in the comments!

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