Taste Bud Adventures in Dubai – Hanoi in JLT

When I am not traveling, I try to feed my wanderlust in little, cheap, sometimes quirky eateries, that take me on a culinary trip. One of those hidden secrets is Hanoi Naturally in JLT cluster C.


Hanoi, I guess it’s quite obvious this place must serve Vietnamese food, simple but delicious food.
While exploring the menu you can practice your chopstick skills with the complementary fresh greens, sweet onions and soy beans. If you cannot decide what to eat then I suggest my favorite: the Hanoi special bun, best described as a bowl of awesomeness. Bun (white rice noodles), shrimps, beef,  chicken, roasted peanuts, fresh herbs and salad.
On the side you will get a little cup of tangy sauce to poor over your dish. Grab some chopsticks, mix it all up and enjoy!

Feeling very hungry? No worries, just ask to add spring rolls to the bun.

All this goodness for only 42 AED. Add 10 AED if you want extra spring rolls.

Keep an eye on this blog to discover more yummy secrets in Dubai. If you know similar places, leave a comment!


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