Scoring Insane Discounts By Adding More Flights To Your Ticket

I am not sure which logic airlines use to calculate ticket prices but you often get a ridiculously cheaper ticket if you add more flights! That’s right! I will show you a few real examples where you can save somewhere from $390 up to $1.709 by adding more flights to your ticket 😉 This works for any airline. I will just use Emirates as an example. Coincidence or not but Emirates just introduced a fee for advance special seat selection like the exit row seat with extra legroom ($55 – $135). No worries, the following tips can help you to keep the ticket price within your budget 🙂

A return ticket is cheaper than a one way?

Imagine you are in Brussels and and just need a one way ticket to Dubai. Booking a one way ticket BRU – DXB would make sense right?

Well … not always.
Check out this example: the return flight is a lot cheaper than the one way! So you can visit Brussels again 😉

Saving $1.709 by adding 1 flight?

Now imagine that you also had a trip from Dubai to Tokyo in mind. Probably you want to experience a capsule hotel, the robot restaurant, a cat cafe or any of the other cool things in Japan.
The most logical thing to do would be to book a return flight from Dubai to Tokyo right?

But let’s see what happens if you get more creative! We were looking into a flight from Brussels to Dubai (see above) anyway so let’s try to combine them. Try to add the DXB – TYO – DXB flight after the BRU – DXB flight. You can do that quite easily on Google Flights by clicking on the multi city tab 🙂 Hmm too bad that the cost of that ticket seems to be a bit high … but wait 😉

Remember that sometimes the return is cheaper than one way, so let’s try adding our last flight back to Brussels here as well. 😮 Check this out, we scored an insane discount! The price drops from $2.633 to $924 that’s a discount of $1.709 because we added! a flight:-D

Always try to combine trips before you book

I guess the examples above say it all. Combining multiple trips in one tickets might be much cheaper! Imagine if I had booked a one way Brussels – Dubai for $891 and then a second return ticket Dubai – Tokyo for $940, that’s a whopping $1.831! If you book everything in one multi city ticket it would just cost $924, you just saved almost $1000!! Or look at it this way: for less than $100 extra we turned a one way ticket in to a 4 flights ticket!

  • $891 – BRU – DXB
  • $501 – BRU – DXB – BRU
  • $940 – DXB – TYO – DXB
  • $2633 – BRU – DXB – TYO – DXB
  • $924  –  BRU – DXB – TYO – DXB – BRU

Happy travels! Follow my adventures and tips on Facebook and Instagram.
Any questions about multi city trips? Leave them in the comments below 🙂


  1. Love this! Kindaa follows the around the world ticket principle, right? Now, if only we have that much leave days from work. ❤️✈️🌎👊❤️

  2. Ginger Around The World

    @Turknoys thanks 🙂 Indeed it’s not exact science but if you add more flights, chances are high the price goes down :-p
    I also work full time but I just spread out the flights of a multi city itineraries over months as those are often cheaper than if you would do it with only a few days between the stops. And then I nest the ticket with other multi city itineraries on other airlines so I can do long weekends etc 😉 Just be careful because if you miss one flight (not a delayed connection flight, but you arriving late in the airport) all the other flights on that ticket will be canceled if the airline does not rebook you.

    For example first I booked tickets: CMB – KUL – DXB – KUL – CMB with like a gap of a few months. then I booked a positioning ticket DXB-CMB-DXB to match beginning and the end. Then I booked KUL – TPE – KUL to complete the first trip and KUL – LPQ (laos) – KUL for my second trip.

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