It’s More Fun in The Philippines – 14 Hours in Manila, the party starts at Z-Hostel

After my week in the paradise of El Nido. I decide to spend 1 night in Manila before flying back to Dubai. When I try to find a taxi in the airport I start to understand why people complain about the traffic here. The Line for official taxis is infinite. 14 hours that’s all I have in this city so I decide to take a private one, 700 peso, way to expensive but I have to make most out of my night here. We are driving at a snail’s pace towards Makati. A couple of turns left and right in the wrong street but there it is Z-Hostel, my base for what has to be an epic night in the capital of the Philippines.

Hospitality is incredible here, another warm welcome, most people are so cheerful in this country! Besides my room key I get a wrist band that can be used to pay in the restaurant and the bar, cool concept! The Z-hostel crew suggests to check out the rooftop bar/mini club in the hostel, there is a dj playing tonight. Perfect, a lot of people warned me about safety issues in Manila so starting the night out in the hostel is a good option. But first it’s time for a shower (it is needed after a 6 hour bus ride, a flight and another taxi ride). I top up my wrist band at the reception and take the elevator to the Z Roof Deck.

Boom 😀 this is totally my kind of club. hipster boutique, house, Techno beats and a DJ who enjoys spinning records. The crowd is a mix of locals, expats and backpackers, everyone is here to have a good time. I start chatting to some locals, when I tell them this is my only night in Manila, they promptly start to make an action plan.

A bit later I find myself in a taxi with my new friends on my way to another night club. It’s more fun in the Philippines! We arrive at Time, yeah another EDM club in Makati. I am very exited 😀 :D, I missed that music and vibe the last years. The crowd is going crazy, I am having a blast till the early morning. I like these random unplanned events.

It’s 5 in the morning, Manila slowly wakes up and I am going back to ZZzzzzz 😉 😀 – Hostel. Lunch is my breakfast, my last meal in the Philippines, I take a second to bring back the memories of this wonderful week before I rush back to my room to pack.

The Z-hostel crew fixes me a taxi to the airport for 220 peso, I guess I got seriously ripped off on the way here (700 peso) ^_^

I wish I could have stayed longer in this trendy hostel!
Z = W for backpackers, affordable luxury 😉

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