How Many Reasons do you Need to Visit Seoul – Korea?

How many reasons do you need to visit Seoul?

  • Korean BBQ, this is the one and only reason you need actually, but feel free to read on.
  • A subway system with super Mario video ads and cool tunes when the train arrives.
  • Psy Energy drink (yes that guy from Gangnam style who’s live shows in Korea are mindblowing)
  • You can walk like 1.5 m into North Korea escorted by US soldiers while being observed by soldiers from South and North Korea. There are also “invasion tunnels” for you to explore.
  • Maps and signs in Korean. The language looks super complicated but it’s scientific and the alphabet Hangul is easy to learn (only 24 letters)
  • If you are into seafood then you can try a live octopus, I wrote earlier about my struggle with a squirming octopus.
  • Temples and palaces, you can tick many off your bucket list.
  • Loads of little markets with delicious food that might look as if it was sent from another planet for you.
  • Bibimbab: another awesome Korean dish! Take a hot pot from the oven, add rice and a some other ingredients, oh yeah that sound of sizzling rice, and then you mix/bake it while stirring it around with your chopsticks.

There are many more reasons but you should have booked your flight by now. Have fun In Korea!

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