Hidden Secret In Belgium – Castle of Seneffe

Besides beer, chocolate and waffles there are a lot of hidden treasures in Belgium. Today we will explore Chateau De Seneffe where you can experience life in a castle during the 18th century! And it costs absolutely nothing.

Chateau de seneffe castle outside
Chateau de seneffe look at the stars

Seneffe is a Walloon municipality located in the province of Hainaut. The size of the domain De Chateau Seneffe is pretty impressive, over 22 hectares of garden with a castle, curio cabinet, voliere (birds cage) , fountains, orangery, theater and much more.

Chateau de seneffe

To let you wander in a intriguing past, 3 imaginary characters who are passionate about travel during the 18th century invite you to explore their domain.

Chateau de seneffe selfie

All their anecdotes and stories are displayed in Dutch, French and English. The audio guide is only available in Dutch and French.

Chateau de seneffe audio guide

It looks like this #castelife was quite luxurious. My favorite is the curio room packed with souvenirs from travel endeavors and as many fascinating stories to entertain the guests.

Chateau de seneffe curiosity cabinet
Chateau de seneffe travel
Chateau de seneffe clock
Chateau de seneffe castle bedroom

Walking through history I also realized that traveling these days is peanuts, the adventures these people had to go through were something else. I would very much like to have beer with those guys to hear all all their crazy travel stories.

Chateau de seneffe garden

Outside of the castle the lush greenery is welcoming you. Looking at the size of this domain I think the gardeners taking care of this domain probably never get bored

Chateau de seneffe building
Chateau de seneffe garden bridge2
Chateau de seneffe castle orangerie

Make sure to turn your head left and right while enjoying your walk. Don’t miss the artworks and the bird cage. Oh and if you are lucky, you will even spot a lama.

Chateau de seneffe art fox
Chateau de seneffe art parc
Chateau de seneffe chicken art
Chateau de seneffe bird cage

There is even a map for visitors who might get lost in this modest garden.

Chateau de seneffe map

Everything you need to know

Chateau De Seneffe
Location: Rue Lucien Plasman 7, 7180 Seneffe, Belgique. map
Website: https://chateaudeseneffe.be/nl
Timing: every day from 10 am to 6pm (last entrance 5.30 pm) – closed on Monday and holidays.
Entrance Fee: Free (special exhibition are paid
Phone: +32 64 55 69 13
E-mail: info@chateaudeseneffe.be

Enjoy your visit and the landscapes on your journey there 🙂

Chateau de seneffe hainaut

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